टॅन काय आहे?
टॅक्स कपात किंवा संग्रह खाते क्रमांक टीएएन म्हणून देखील ओळखला जातो जो आयकर कायद्यातील कलम 203 ए कर वजा करण्यास किंवा वसुलीसाठी जबाबदार असणा persons्या सर्व व्यक्तींकडून प्राप्त केला जाऊ शकतो.
टीएएन एक 10 अंकी अल्फान्युमेरिक नंबर आहे जो आयकर विभागाने फॉर्म 49 बी मध्ये अर्ज भरल्यानंतर प्रदान केला आहे.
टॅन कसा लागू केला जाऊ शकतो?
टॅनचे अर्ज www.tin-nsdl.com वर ऑनलाईन सबमिट केले जाऊ शकतात किंवा एनएसडीएलच्या टिन सुविधा केंद्रांवर [टीआयएन एफसी] देखील फॉर्म सादर केला जाऊ शकतो.
टीडीएस रिटर्न भरण्यासाठी किंवा चालान दाखल करण्यासाठी टॅन अनिवार्य आहे का?
फॉर्म २Q क्यू, २Q क्यू, २Q क्यू, २E ईक्यू इत्यादी विविध टीडीएस परतावा भरताना टीएएनचा उल्लेख करणे अनिवार्य आहे.
तसेच टीडीएस नंबरशिवाय टीडीएस भरणा करता येणार नाही. पेमेंट करण्यासाठी चालानात टीएएन असणे आवश्यक आहे.
टीएएन अर्ज भरण्यासाठी आवश्यक कागदपत्रे काय आहेत?
सध्या, टीएएन अर्जाशी कोणतीही कागदपत्रे जोडण्याची आवश्यकता नाही. अर्जदाराचे वैयक्तिक तपशील जसे की नाव, पत्ता, पॅन, मोबाइल आणि ई-मेल आयडी इत्यादी आवश्यक असतात. फॉर्मवर अर्जदाराची शारीरिक स्वाक्षरी असणे आवश्यक आहे.
ऑनलाईन अर्जाच्या बाबतीतही फॉर्म ऑनलाईन भरल्यानंतर व भरल्यानंतर मुद्रित फॉर्मवर स्वाक्षरी करुन पुणे येथील टीआयएन केंद्रात जमा करावे. हे पोस्ट किंवा कुरिअरद्वारे पाठविले जाऊ शकते.
सामान्यत: किती दिवस टीएएन दिले जाते?
अर्ज पूर्ण झाल्यास, अर्ज सादर केल्यापासून 10 दिवसांच्या आत सामान्यत: टीएएन देण्यात येतो.
टॅन अर्जाची स्थिती www.tin-nsdl.com वर देखील तपासली जाऊ शकते.
टॅन भरण्यासाठी फी आहे का?
सरकार टीएएन अर्जासाठी फी रू ..6 / / - आहे. तथापि, आपण आमच्या सेवांचा लाभ घेऊ इच्छित असल्यास आमचे शुल्क रू .399 / - असेल.
टीएएनचे तपशील दुरुस्त करता येतील काय?
होय एक टॅन दुरुस्ती फॉर्म देखील आहे जो टीएएन मध्ये तपशील बदलण्यासाठी दाखल केला जाऊ शकतो (त्यात काही त्रुटी असल्यास त्या दुरुस्त करायच्या आहेत)
TAN Registration
TAN is required for quoting while filing TDS/TCS/Annual Information Returns, payment challans, and certificates. If this ten-digit alphanumeric number is not quoted, TIN facilitation centers will not accept the filed returns.
In this article, we will explain,
How to know the TAN number
TAN registration process at TRACES and Income Tax.
How To Know the TAN Number?
TAN number is issued by the Income Tax Department of India to all individuals collecting or deducting tax. It is necessary to quote TAN on all TDS or TCS returns under section 203A of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
Below is a step-by-step guide on how you can know your TAN number!
Registered mobile number
Deductor TAN or Deductor Name
Deductor State
Visit the official Income Tax website, and under quick links, click on the “Know Your TAN” option.

2. Then, the below screen will appear, where you are required to enter all the mandatory details.
After mentioning all the details, click on “Continue”.

3. Finally, an OTP will be sent to your mobile number which you are required to enter and click on the “validate” button.

4. Once the OTP validation is completed, all the TAN details will be shown.

Step-by-Step Guide on Registering TAN on the TRACES Portal
Open the official TRACES portal and click on the “Continue” button.

2. On the title bar, click on deductor, and then “Register as New user.”

3. The below screen will appear; here, you have to enter TAN details as per details from "Know Your Tan." Then, click on “Proceed.”

4. After the successful confirmation, an activation link will be sent to your mail along with two different activation codes to the registered mail id and mobile number.
5. Open the activation link and enter the User ID + both Activation Codes.
6. Click on the activation link within 48 hours; otherwise, it will get deactivated, and you’ll be required to register again.
Finally, the TAN registration process is completed, and deductors can now log in through their user ID and password generated.
Step-by-Step Guide on Registering TAN on The Income Tax Portal
Prerequisites For TAN Registration
Active and valid TAN
PAN of the principal contact (registered on the IT portal)
Visit the official income tax e-filing portal and click on “Register.”

2. After clicking "Register," you'll be prompted to select your category. Choose "Others" from the options provided. Then, under the category dropdown menu, select "Tax Deductor and Collector."

3. Enter your TAN number in the designated field and click on the "Validate" button.

4. Depending on your TAN's status, you'll encounter different situations:
Situation I) If your TAN is already registered on the TRACES website and a request for registration on the e-filing portal is made, simply click on "Continue" to view the pre-filled details.
Double-check all the details and click on ‘Continue’.

Situation II) If your TAN is not registered on TRACES and the request for registration on the e-filing portal has not been made, you must register on TRACES first (as explained above).
Upon successful registration, you'll be directed back to the e-filing portal. Fill in your basic details and click on "Continue."
Situation III) If the TAN is already available in the database and the registration request is previously raised and pending for approval.
In such a situation, an error message will appear, and you can withdraw the process.
5. Enter all details of the individual collecting tax or making payments, and click Continue.

6. Fill in all the contact details, such as postal address, registered mobile number, and email ID. Click on "Continue" to proceed.

7. Now, two different OTPs will be sent to both the primary mobile number and email ID. Enter both of them and click “Continue.”

8. Review all the details. If any corrections are necessary, you can edit them in this step. Then click ‘Confirm.’

9. Finally, you'll need to set a password for your e-filing account. Enter in both the "Set Password" and "Confirm Password" text boxes.

Upon successful registration, you'll receive a confirmation message along with a transaction ID. Make sure to keep a note of this transaction ID for future reference.

How Can KarrTax Help You With TAN Registration?
At KarrTax, our experts will get our TAN registration done smoothly and without any headaches. Most importantly, we want to keep it affordable for businesses of all sizes; that’s why we charge a bare minimum amount, i.e., ₹399.
On average, the process completion will take 1 to 2 business days. With KarrTax, you can be sure your TAN registration is done right. So, what are you waiting for? Get started here.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1.What is TRACES, and who is eligible to register on this platform?
TRACES is the Income Tax Department’s web portal, particularly used for TDS administration. The following entities can register on this platform.
2.What are the charges for your TAN registration process?
Our TAN registration process charges are ₹399. Click here to start the procedure.
3.What is the purpose of TAN registration?
TAN registration facilitates the deduction or collection of tax at source as per the provisions of the Income Tax Act. It helps in identifying deductors/collectors, tracking tax-related transactions, and ensuring compliance with tax laws.
4.How long does it take to get a TAN after applying?
The processing time for TAN registration can vary. Usually, it takes 7-10 working days for TAN allotment by NSDL. However, the timeline may vary according to several factors, such as processing time, etc.
5.Is it mandatory to quote TAN on tax-related documents?
Yes, it is mandatory to quote TAN on all tax-related documents, including TDS/TCS returns, challans, and certificates issued to deductees/collectees. Failure to do so may attract penalties under the tax laws.
6.What documents are required for TAN registration?
Below are the required documents for TAN registration.
Aadhar card
PAN card
Electricity bill of the individual or company
Registration certificates
7.Is it possible to track the status of my TAN application?
Absolutely, yes! Use your 14-digit unique acknowledgement number and send an SMS - NSDLTAN to 57575 or contact the TAN call centre at 020 – 27218080.